GoodVood - Gustav Gerig AG

GoodVood does good

GoodVood is all about love. Love of conscious enjoyment, love of the environment, love of animals, love of one's own health. And who better to represent the love of food than the Swiss pioneer of organic products? Exactly. That is why the vegan line GoodVood comes from Leib und Gut.

The products in the GoodVood vegan line are not only organic, but also 100% plant-based and often high in protein. They allow you to prepare imaginative dishes quickly and easily in everyday life. This means: spending less time in the kitchen and still upholding your own principles. Because food is not just a source of energy, it's a statement. And that's a good thing.

Conclusion: If you love creative vegan products, you'll love GoodVood.


Product overview 3 products

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